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How to ship a package

FedEx, UPS, & USPS Pickup


FedEx Express picks up express packages between 9:00 am – 9:30 am Monday – Friday. The package must be ready and placed on the outgoing packages shelf in the loading dock area of the building. 

If you need an express package picked up after the morning stop, it must be scheduled.

Express packages must be ready for pickup and dropped off in the outgoing packages area by 2:00 pm for pickup before 5:00 pm. If your lab requests a pickup after the 2:00 pm deadline, someone in your lab must be available to meet the driver for an after 5:00 pm pick up. The driver will not have access to the building after 5:00 pm.

FedEx Ground picks up packages between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Monday – Friday during their regular stop. Packages must be at placed on the outgoing packages shelf prior to 10:00 am to ensure same-day service. For large returns, labs must call to schedule a pickup and leave packages in the shipping and receiving area.

UPS picks up packages between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Monday – Friday during their regular stop. Packages must be at placed on the outgoing packages shelf prior to 10:00 am to ensure same-day service. 

USPS picks up packages between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Monday – Friday during their regular stop.  Packages must be at placed on the outgoing packages shelf prior to 10:00 am to ensure same-day service.

All packages must have pre-printed labels with barcodes available for scanning and tracking. 

If you are sending the package back in the original box, please mark out ALL pre-printed labels using a black sharpie or place the new pre-printed label over the original label with the correct address visible.

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  1. Thomas Wertalik

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
