This section contains information related to voice and phone services at the FBRI.
Once your voice extension has been provisioned in Zoom you will need to do the following: 1. Close and re-open the Zoom app on all your devices. Once re-opened, you should see a phone icon appear t...
If you need to change or update your phone display, Start a Conversation [] with us and provide the extension and what you would like the display to read. ...
The following options are available to you on your phone after logging in to messaging: [img src="" alt="voicemail diagram" class="fr-dib fr-dragga...
Your Phone Number Your phone should display your extension number in the LCD display. This 5 digit extension should be in the format of 8XXXX. You can dial this extension directly from any FBRI, VTS...
Personalize Labels * Home > Options & Settings > Application Settings > Personalize Labels * Scroll to button you want to personalize * Edit * Enter the personalization you want * Save Tea...
To better support the university in teleworking, Virginia Tech is waiving one-time fees associated with services designed to improve the experience for employees working remotely. The services are des...
To set up your new Virginia Tech voice mail, please do the following: * Try the voice mail button on your phone (envelope icon). * If it doesn't call into the VT voice mail system for you, di...
To access the Virginia Tech voice mail system, please do the following: * Press the Voice Mail button (envelope icon) on your desk phone or dial 540-231-1000. * When prompted to access your mail...
If you know your current password but wish to change it, please follow these steps: * From your office phone call your 5-digit office extension (i.e. 82220) or select the voicemail button. * Ente...
Virginia Tech manages and controls the phone services for the FBRI. If you have forgotten your voice mail password and need to have it reset, please submit a ticket to the Virginia Tech 4Help system:...