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Adobe Creative Cloud: Dont Have Access To Manage Apps (Mac)

If you download and sign in to the Adobe Creative Cloud but are not able to download any apps due to the error "You do not have access to manage apps," the issue can be resolved with the followng steps.

  • Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/ServiceConfig.xml
  • Use text edit to open the ServiceConfig.xml file.  You should see a command script that looks like this:  
  • Change all values in the text field that say "false" to "true"
  • Save the changes to the original if you're able.  if you arent, save a copy of the ServiceConfig.xml file to your desktop and then drag and drop it to the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE/Configs/ folder and replace the original file, then restart your machine
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Josh Cash

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