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Register (Create an account) for the FBRI Help Site

To access more content and to be able to track your requests, register and create an account for this site.  For credentials for this site, please note: 

  1. An email address (typically your address) will be used / required for your username. 
  2. Choose a complex password.  Note: the password for this site is NOT tied to the FBRI credentials assigned to you.  You may use the same password, but note they will not be kept in sync. 

To register and create an account for this site:

  1. Visit this link: Register for a help site account.
  2. Enter your full name and your VTC email address as the username:
  3. Check the consent and I am not a robot check boxes.
  4. Click sign up. 
  5. An email will be sent to your email address.  (For students, guests, and volunteers, this will automatically be forwarded to the external email address you provided HR, typically your address.)
  6. Click the link provided in the email.
  7. Enter the password you wish to use and click Set Password.
  8. If successful, you will be able to click the Welcome to Kayako button and log in. 

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  1. Jed Krisch

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
