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Adding a New Vendor / Supplier

The requestor must select the appropriate form to process the order. The available form options for this type of situation would be either Non-Catalog Item or Reimbursement Request.

From the Main Screen of HokieMart:

  • Choose and click desired form.
  • After a search for the supplier has been attempted type the words "New Supplier" in the Supplier box.  This will bring up "New Supplier/Address" option.

Continue to complete the information for the item as usual.

  • Scroll down to Internal Notes and Attachments section on the left-hand side of the cart.
  • Click "Edit".
  • An Internal Note box will open.
  • Add addreess information
    • For Vendors:
      • Vendor name; address; phone and fax number.  If using a supplier website, provide the website address.
    • For Faculty, Staff, or Student:
      • The first and last name.
      • Banner ID number with the first 3 digits masked (XXX-456-789).

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  1. Deborah Boles

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
