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Below are the latest phishing emails circulating the FBRI / VT campus mail systems.  If you receive a message similar to those below, do not reply, do not click on any URLs, and delete the message.   If you have followed any of the links or supplied any information to the sender or in a form, immediately change your password and please Start a Conversation and we will assist.  

RELATED ARTICLE: Detect and Avoid phishing Attempts

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE and take the phish test!

Added July 2024:

Subject: Important Health Notice: Contagious Virus Notification

Dear Virginia Tech Community Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to notify you about a significant health and safety concern affecting our university.

One of our staff members has recently tested positive for a contagious virus.

Immediate steps are being taken to ensure the safety of everyone on campus, especially those who may have had close contact with this individual.

To ascertain whether you have been in close proximity to the affected staff member, please visit our dedicated webpage: [Access Close Contact Notification]. It is crucial that any potential contacts are reported promptly to help us uphold a safe environment.

For any questions or concerns related to potential exposure or testing, please reach out to our medical team at

The well-being of our community is our utmost priority, and we are committed to maintaining a secure environment for work and learning here at The Virginia Tech.

Your cooperation in containing the spread of this virus is vital. Please refrain from forwarding this email and delete it if you received it in error.

Thank you for your continued dedication to the Virginia Tech community.

Best regards,

James Terry
Virginia Tech
Health Care Center

Added June, 2024:



 Are you looking for a remote Job from home that earns you over a thousand dollars weekly?

Currently needed are some remote Mystery Shoppers who can handle daily mobile purchase of bitcoin from mobile apps. Workers will be trained while on the job and training will be paid for regardless of it outcome. Funds(CASH) will be provided to all workers strictly via digital checks(MORE EXPLANATION AWAITS YOU)


Interested persons are to apply via by sending your full NAME and CELL NUMBER to [address removed]

Added June, 2024

Added May, 2024

Subject: ALERT! READ N0W!..
WORK FROM HOME FOR $800 - $1250weeklyPay

Urgently needed are remote workers who can handle day to day online purchase of Bitcoin. job requires only your mobile phone and computer.
This is a VT internship Job offer for you and every other students who might be interested.
Pay is $800 weeklyYou work just 2hrs daily, weekends excluded.

To Apply, send your NAME and PHONE NUMBER to our recruiting agent at [address removed]


Added March, 2024

Subject: Are you available?


Subject: Available? 

(The bad actor will reply asking for phone numbers and will text you for financial and gift card information.)

Added December 14, 2022

Subject: New pending messages undelivered

Undelivered Messages
You have {2} undelivered mails pending due to your mail storage capacity being almost exceeded.
We bring this to your notice, as this will make your incoming messages undeliverable.
Follow the instruction to resolve issue and recover your messages to your inbox. 

Added September 15, 2022

Subject: Meeting Invite - Retirement & Financial Planning

Good morning, xxxxxxx!

I hope your week is going well, it’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of September! With the start of a new academic year, we all know our schedules are about to start feeling a little bit fuller in this last push of the year—that’s if they haven’t already!


My name is Michaela, I am reaching out because I work with many Virginia Tech employees regarding retirement planning in addition to general financial planning as well. I aim to help employees at Virginia Tech understand how some of their benefits (403b/401k, VRS Pension/ORP, Life Insurance, etc.) fit into the retirement planning process! So, although the two of us have not yet had the opportunity to connect, ultimately, I do believe it would be beneficial for us to schedule a virtual meeting! My partner and I are comprehensive financial planners; therefore, we make it a point to look at the big picture of your financial situation to effectively tailor strategies designed to achieve your specific financial or retirement goals.


I am available throughout the day and evening to meet with you to review your situation and answer any questions that you may have. Please let me know what time works best for you. Our meetings are purely introductory & complimentary and do not cost or commit you to anything. 


To make scheduling a time easy, you can click the image below or use the link in my signature to schedule a virtual meeting. If there is a day and time that works best for you that isn’t available, please let me know and I’ll make sure to find time for both of us.


I look forward to meeting you, Jason!

Thank you,


Added August 22, 2022

Subject: Retirement And Pension Meetings For Virginia Tech Employees

As a valued employee of Virginia Tech, you are eligible to receive a free one-on-one consultation for answers to your retirement benefit questions. 

 As part of this meeting, you will be provided information that will help you figure out:

  • Your expected income when you retire
  • How much longer you will have to work
  • How you can save more money for retirement
  • Which options have guaranteed income when you retire

      Daytime appointments are going fast. Click below to see whats available

Added May 31, 2022:

Subject: Dear Student,

If you did not authorize this action and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to verify your account. CLICK HERE

Please give us 24 hours to terminate your account OR verifying your account

Failure to Verify will result in closure of your account.

We received a request from you to terminate.

Added May 18, 2022:

Added March 28, 2022:

From: David Johnr <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 12:39 PM

Subject: Order number

Order ID : IPUC19645HJK
Date-March-28 -2022

Dear User ,
Thanks for choosing us as your trusted security partner. Your subscription has been auto renewed and the charge will appear on your account as “McAfee Total Protection"

If you have a question about your order status, please call us on call +1 855 520 0267
For your convenience, we have included a copy of your order below.

Shipping Details:

41 Wilmoth drive
Los Angeles. California

Payment Method: Direct Debit
Validity – 12Months
Computer Security
Amount :$689.99

You have a Problem Your order within 24 hours subject to clearance lies with this transaction?

You have 24 Hours from the date of the to open a dispute.
+1 855 520 0267


Added February 21, 2022:

The password for will expire today Monday, February 21, 2022.

You risk losing access to email and other office applications.

Keep my password

Kindly use the link above to extend your password validity period.

Thank you

Added February 10, 2022:

 From: elly worker <> <-NOTE THE GMAIL ADDRESS
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:24 PM

Subject: Subscription Started: Invoice No. NOR20220210DTD

Dear Buyer!

Your Yearly product subscription for NORTON PROTECTION has been renewed and updated successfully.

The amount charged will be reflected within the next 24 to 48 hrs on your account profile.


:     NOR20220210DTD
:     2022 Feb 10
:     1 year from ISSUE DATE
:     $234.27 USD
:     Debit from account

If you wish to not to continue subscription and ask for a REFUND then please feel free to contact our Billing Department as soon as possible.

You can Reach us on :  +1 – ( 850 ) – ( 203 ) – 4159

Kind Regards,


Added February 10, 2022:

Subject: Your interest

First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction; this is byvirtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret.Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any oneapprehensive and worried, but I am assuring that this is real andgenuine. My name is Gilbert Jones  am the director, bills and exchangeat the foreign remittance department of a leading bank in Spain. Icame to know you in my private search for a reliable and reputableperson to handle this Confidential Transaction, which involves thetransfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account requiring maximumconfidence.

MY PROPOSITION; we discovered an abandoned sum of €14,320,000.00(Fourteen Million Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand Euros) in anaccount belonging to one of our late customer Mr. Joseph Robert Inabawho died in 2010 after battling with cancer. Since his death, none ofhis next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to thisfund as the heir. We cannot release the fund from his account unlesssomeone applies for claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased asindicated in our banking guidelines.

Unfortunately, no family member or relative has ever appeared to claimthe said fund. Upon this discovery, I now seek your consent to haveyou stand as next of kin to the deceased so that the funds (FourteenMillion Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand Euros) can be released andpaid into your account as the beneficiary's next of kin otherwise thefund will be returned to treasury as unclaimed funds. All documents toenable you receive this fund will be carefully worked out. Pleaseacknowledge receipt of my letter in acceptance of our mutual businessendeavor.

1. Date of Birth.
2. Occupation
3. Marital Status
4. Telephone Number

The above requirement will enable me file letter of claim to theappropriate departments for necessary approval in our favor before thetransfer can be made. The ratio of sharing will be as stated thus; onfinal conclusion of this project, 50% of this shall be for me, while50% shall be for you. Your share 50% stays while my 50% share shall beused for investment purposes in your Country. Please do not take undueadvantage of the trust I bestow in you.

I have worked out all modality to complete the transactionsuccessfully, be rest assured that the transaction is 100% legal andrisk free. Once again, if my proposal is acceptable to you, Kindlyreply via my private email address for further discussion on how toproceed.

Gilbert Jones

Subject: Urgent request what number can I text you on?

 Are you available? 

From: Douglas Jones
Subject: Re:
Date: December 1, 2021 at 1:03:32 PM EST
To: Douglas Jones

Did you receive my previous message?

Waiting to hear from you.

Regards,Mr.Douglas Whalley.

Added December 7, 2021:

From: karishama.singh <>
Subject: From Mrs. Karishma Singh
Date: November 30, 2021 at 10:17:27 AM EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great
Sorrow in my heart,

My Name is Mrs. Karishma Singh and I am contacting you from my country
MML Medical Center Sp.z.o.o. Address:        ul.Bagno 2 , Warsaw
00-112, Poland.

I want to tell you this because I don’t have any other option than to
tell  you as I was touched to open up to  you, I married to
Mr.Mohammed Singh from (INDIA) who worked with Tunisia embassy in
Burkina Faso for nine years before he died in the year 2009.We were
married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief
illness that lasted for only five days. Since his death I decided not
to remarry,  When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of
US$ 4.5m (Four Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars) in a bank in
Ouagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso in west Africa Presently
this money is still in bank. He made this money available for
exportation of Gold from Burkina Faso mining.  Recently, My Doctor
told me that I would not last for the period of seven days due to
cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.
Having known my condition I decided to hand you over this money to
take care of the less-privileged people, you will utilize this money
the way I am going to instruct here I want you to take 30 Percent of
the total money for your personal use While 70% of the money will go
to charity,people in the street and helping the orphanage.  I grew up
as an Orphan and I don't have any body  as my family member, just to
end endeavor that the house of God is maintained. Am doing this so
that God will forgive my sins and accept my soul because these
sicknesses have suffered me so much. As soon as I receive your reply
I will give you the contact of the bank in Burkina Faso and I will
also instruct  the Bank Manger to issue you an authority letter that
will prove you the present beneficiary of the money in the bank that
is if you assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated here in.

Hoping to receive your reply
From  Mrs. Karishma Singh

Added December 7, 2021:

From: George Williams <>
Subject: From Mr.George Williams

From Mr.George Williams

Greeting. My name is Mr.George Williams, an accountant, I will need
your assistance in this business transaction, to applying as the next
of kin to my Late customer, who died with entier family on Monday,
July 21, 2003 with Kenya airlines

I will finish you with details when you get back to me.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr.George Williams

Added December 7, 2021:

Subject: Dear friend.... 

Dearest beloved one,

I am Mrs.Mariam Abdul a 52 year old  from Dubai. I was born an orphan
and GOD blessed me abundantly with riches but no children nor husband
which makes me an unhappy woman. Now I am affected with cancer of the
lung and breast with a partial stroke which has affected my speech. I
can no longer talk well and half of my body is paralyzed, I sent this
email to you with the help of my private female nurse.

My condition is really deteriorating day by day and it is really
giving me lots to think about.  This has prompted my decision to
donate all I have for charity; I have made numerous donations all over
the world. After going through your profile, I decided to make my last
donation of seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds
(UK£7.500, 000, 00) to you as my investment manager. I want you to
build an Orphanage home with my name (  fMariam Abdul) in your

If you are willing and able to do this task for the sake of humanity
then send me below information for more details to receive the funds.

1. Name...................................................

2. Phone number...............................

3. Address.............................................

4. Country of Origin and residence

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Mariam Abdul

Added December 1, 2021:

Subject: Urgent request what number can I text you on

Are you available?

Typlically followed by a conversation requesting credit card or gift card information. 

Added June 9, 2021: 

From: -IT <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 6:45 PM
To: Bob Smith <>
Subject: -Action_Needed-Password-Expiry-6/8/2021 3:45:20 p.m.



Password for expires today
Follow below to keep your current password & avoid Data loss.

[Keep Current Password]

[*link removed*]

Added March 31, 2021: 

From: Avery Meyers <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 10:56 AM
To: xxxxx
Subject: State Retirement Assistance for Virginia Tech Personnel


Employee xxxxx, 

Each year, as an employee of Virginia Tech you are eligible to schedule a phone call or teleconference meeting with a representative for answers to your specific state, federal and individual retirement benefit questions.

At your consultation, you will be provided with information that will tell you what your potential income can be when you retire, and how much longer you may have to work. That, along with advice on the best ways to utilize your options with your state retirement and/or Social Security benefits. 

Please be sure to indicate which type of appointment you prefer (phone call or teleconference) in the notes section while scheduling. Please also include your direct cell phone number.

Appointments fill up quickly. If you’d like to secure your spot, click on the link below, or simply reply “yes” to this email.

[*link removed*]

Licensed representatives are not employees of the college or state retirement system. All representatives are independent and licensed by the state department of insurance.


To opt out of future mailings, click on the following link: 

[*link removed*]

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