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Symantec Errors and Alerts

At some point while you are working on your machine, you may encounter a dialog box appearing above the clock on your toolbar if you are on a Windows PC or near your clock in the upper right of your desktop if you are on a Mac OSX machine. Often these will be simply notifications that Symantec has prevented something from attacking, infecting, or even inspecting your machine. As a rule, these messages can be ignored but if you are concerned about the content of one of them or perhaps the frequency at which you are getting them, please do not hesitate to contact the HelpDesk by Starting a Conversation. If you do, please provide a screenshot of the error message in the conversation.

If you have not taken a screenshot before, please select the link below that conforms to your computers Operating System (either Windows or Mac OSX):

How to Take a Screen Shot in OSX

How to Take a Screen Shot in Windows

If possible, please use the "Area Selection Screenshot" options in the two links to make the screenshot you want to send. This will ensure we only receive the error message and not any private data you may be working on.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Gerald Martin

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
