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PLEASE NOTE: By logging in or interacting with this system you agree to read and follow the Virginia Tech Acceptable Use and related Information Technology Policies. Other VT policies may also apply for use by faculty, staff, and students. Questions / comments can be submitted via email: click here.



  • Account and Password Help

    This section of the knowledge base will assist you with account and password issues.

  • Wireless Network (Wifi)

    Wireless and wifi help.

  • Network Access

    This section contains articles related to accessing the FBRI network.

  • Email and Calendars

    This section contains common articles related to VTCRI email and calendaring.

  • Phone and Voice Services

    This section contains information related to voice and phone services at the FBRI.

  • General Services

    This section provides information on many of the available Information Technology Services.

  • High Performance Computing and Clusters

    This section contains information about High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters and services.

  • Audio Visual Services

    This section contains information and resources for using and requesting assistance with Audio and Visual resources at t

  • Software

    This section contains articles and information related to obtaining, installing, and using software available at the VTC

  • Tips and Tricks

    This section provides information for common "tips and tricks" for using your PC, Mac, or mobile devices.

  • Troubleshooting, Errors, and Alerts

    This section provides information related to common errors and alerts as well as some basic troubleshooting techniques a

  • Secure Data and Computing

    This section provides information and resources for HIPAA, CUI, and Secure Research Environments. If you have a project

  • File Access and Services

    This section provides resources and information related to accessing and working with data on VTCRI systems.

  • Printing Services

    This section provides resources and information related to accessing and printing to VTCRI maintained printers.

  • Research Tools

    This section contains information and links to common research tools and services available from the VTCRI and Virginia

  • IT Resources

    This section contains articles and information related to general IT resources (non-category specific).

  • IT Policies

    This section contains articles relating to Acceptable Use and IT policies for the FBRI.

  • Virtual Machine Environment (VME)

    This section contains articles related to the FBRI Virtual Machine Environment (VME) for remote and dedicated work.

  • Requesting Access

    This section contains information for requesting access to the buildings, network, systems, and other resources.

  • Standard Workstations and Printers for Purchase

    This section contains articles describing the standard PC and Mac builds for the FBRI.

  • Pulse Environmental and Equipment Monitoring

    Access information as well as standard "Alarm Template" settings and basic use information.

  • Zoom

    Zoom Information Center

  • Google to Microsoft Migration Resources

    Please visit this section often for new and updated articles related to the University-wide Google to Microsoft migratio

  • Emergency Contacts


  • HS&T Emergency Action Plan

    The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) includes information for all departments on the Health Sciences & Technology campus.

  • HS&T Emergency Assembly Points

    Should there be an emergency evacuation or fire drill, the evacuation assembly point from Riverside 1 is between Riversi

  • Jobs and Volunteering at the FBRI

    This section contains information related to volunteering at the FBRI.

  • Faculty and Staff

    This section includes resources and information related to faculty and staff needs at FBRI.

  • Wage/Hourly Employees

    Information regarding on-boarding of student and non-student wage employees, emergency hire employees and how to enter t

  • HokieMart

    This section contains general information regarding HokieMart operations at the VTCRI.

  • Purchasing Card (P-Card)

    This section contains general information regarding University issued VT purchasing card.

  • EHS Training

    Information about EHS Training Opportunities and Troubleshooting

Popular in Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

  • Resources

    This section contains access to commonly requested resources and information on how to use them.